What's it All About
It's all about finding a career opportunity, and that's why Carcorp Australia was founded to fill a gap in the automotive industry. There are hundreds of agencies that work in a wide variety of industries, whilst Carcorp specialises and concentrates solely within the motor industry. Unlike the majority of recruiters, Carcorp is successful because we know the market, the industry, its idiosyncrasies and the players.
About Finding Careers; Not Just Jobs
The advantage to you is that with this unrivalled experience and understanding Carcorp Australia is in the unique situation of being able to offer career prospects and positions; not just jobs. We are able to maximize your personal attributes and habitual strengths by finding that career opportunity for which you are the natural perfect match.
The automotive industry is renowned as a transient industry, with this in mind Carcorp is firmly committed to the belief that "The simplest way to grow your business is to find those who are going to grow in it!"
About Finding You
Successful recruiting has always been a marriage of offering an excellent career opportunity, with competitive compensation, position growth and most significantly, timing. The best candidates and top employers are rarely looking for each at the same instance. Too busy or uncomfortable about going online, there are many reasons why the higher quality positions often never reach the market place.
The value of having Carcorp on permanent look out for that perfect match of your talents to our clients business needs is beyond doubt. We are not talking about the generalist firm, but specialists in Automotive Industry recruiting and career placements.
Finding Answers 24/7
Whilst print advertising works for some positions and the internet for others, Carcorp may often only use its well established data base and network of contracts to find placements for many of the top positions. Be assured that Carcorp has the distinct.
We'll Search for You
Once you have registered with Carcorp Australia, we will contact you to discuss ways in which we may be able to assist you in your search. At this time if we believe we can help, you will be invited to meet with one of our consultant for a full interview.
Together we will develop a complete profile of your career history, experiences, strengths, talent and qualifications. This is then used to map out the preferred employment environment, motivational culture and future opportunity that would be most desired.
On being registered with Carcorp, your details will be continuously reviewed against new positions, thus eliminating the continual re-submission of your resume and ensuring that you don't miss a single opportunity.
We will contact you should any extra information be required or to brief you fully on positions we feel would be of interest. Where we have secured you an interview, be assured that you will have as much information about the company, the position, the specific employer's requirements and the interviewer as possible.
Interview feedback and any changing circumstances (e.g. salary, location, etc) are of vital importance to us, so that we can keep your details up to date and up ready to go.